Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lea & Steve....we heart you!

I'm someone's Natalie Spencer. Nat to me is my inspiration. I felt like I knew everything about her before meeting her. When I received an email from sweet Lea, that's how she felt about me. When we met up in person, she would actually correct my information based on the details of my blog she's so carefully read. I mentioned I had one wedding left this year and she murmured: you have two weddings left. Then she bashfully mentioned...well that's what it said on your blog.

So adorable. Michael never understands why I put people on a pedestal. They're just people he will chide me. He says that people would actually be creeped out to know how many times I visit their pages, look at their photos or read their words. I don't find it creepy at all. When it happens to me, I find it incredibly flattering.

Back to Lea. She insists we are twins, although when you see her, you will definitely know which twin got the better looks of the family. Everything I love, she loves. She follows me on my blog, website, Facebook and Instagram. I mentioned we are on Twitter and she joined that too. This is the kind of client I adore. The kind that has such a connection to us and our photos that they instantly booked us for their April wedding in Costa Rica. She's full of life, spunk and personality.

When we shot Lea and Steve's engagement photos, we knew we were in for something special. They have been together for 14 years and never had professional photos taken of themselves. Steve is a fireman in Toronto so we are planning a special 2nd part to their engagement photos in the winter. Stay tuned for that. We had one hour of shooting time, including driving to three locations and changing outfits. We worked fast and chased the quickly descending light.

Every Wednesday, Lea drives to Toronto to work with a special needs boy. She doesn't get home until almost midnight, but she never reneges on her commitment. She has the most beautiful soul. She's the kind of person people want to be around. The kind of person who makes everyone feel special just for being in her presence. And she is now my very good friend. How lucky am I.

The fact that there are over 80 people coming to Lea & Steve's destination wedding is a true testament to the kind of couple they are. Steve is fun and ready to party and after their shoot, the four of us sat in the pub that we first met in and laughed for an hour straight. Like the kind of bust your gut kind of laughing that is usually reserved for well-seasoned relationships. One night, her, Michael and myself communicated via cyberspace and sent each other hilarious videos of brides falling. Can you imagine???

I love these two. Their session was magical. Costa Rica is going to be even more magical. And so is their life together.

Lea and Steve....we love you guys!

Enjoy your sneak peeks. Your photos are ready.



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